GenderMag Method

The GenderMag method helps software developers & usability professionals find and fix software features with such gender-inclusiveness "bugs".
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Want to run GenderMag?
Download the Kit & Forms

Design Catalog (BETA version)

The Design Catalog provides real life solutions created by software developers based on the inclusiveness issues they found in their own software.

Want to see possible design solutions?
Design Catalog

News & Events

Where GenderMag is (6 continents):

See .

Open Source

Recorder's Assistant Tool

The GenderMag Recorder's Assistant semi-automates the GenderMag Method and can be used on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Chrome Extension
Try it out!
Github Repo
Work on it!

AID Tool

An automated detector for gender-inclusivity bugs in OSS project pages.

Github Repo
Try it out!

For Educators & Technical Trainers

We offer free resources for educators and technical trainers who want to teach GenderMag and learn it for themselves, including our GenderMag-Teach materials repository and GenderMag Online Course.

Want to teach GenderMag or take the free online course?
Teaching & Learning Resources

Support & Training

GenderMag Online Course (New BETA)
Want an online GenderMag course? We offer free, self-paced modules for people who want to use and/or teach GenderMag.
Learn more about Online Course
Already enrolled? Log in.
OSU-IT GenderMag Training
Part of Oregon State University (OSU)?
Learn about OSU-IT Training
Corporate Training
Want to arrange a GenderMag training workshop at your company? We offer corporate training workshops in order to help software developers evaluate their software to make it more inclusive. Other forms of support for your company are also available.
Learn more about Corporate Training

GenderMag Practices & Pitfalls

What are practices and potential pitfalls when using an inclusivity method like Gendermag? See our handout below for more details.

Practices & Potential Pitfalls Handout

The research behind the handout: "Engineering Gender-Inclusivity into Software: Ten Teams' Tales from the Trenches", C. Hilderbrand et al., 2020 (ICSE'20)

GenderMag Facets Survey

A validated survey for measuring a person's GenderMag facet values relative to their peers.

Facets Survey

About the survey and its validation:
"How to measure diversity actionably in technology" (preprint), M. Hamid et al., in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion in Software Engineering (Eds: D. Damian et al.), Apress, 2024.