GenderMag Online Course (New BETA)

Design inclusive tech. Foster inclusive engineers. Join the movement.

The online course covers how to do and teach GenderMag. It is a free course, on the FreeCanvas platform.

Why learn to do GenderMag? So you can...

  • Design technology to support gender-based cognitive differences
  • Show that you value diversity and inclusion
  • Learn about your own cognition

Why teach GenderMag? So you can...

  • Teach students an ethical/responsible engineering practice
  • Help students feel more included/inclusive
  • Help students learn about their own ways of problem-solving

The course begins with this welcome video

What's the course like?

  • BETA version (not perfect yet!)
  • Self-paced and self-directed (go at your own speed, choose what you want to work on)
  • Ungraded and unsupervised (but we might review your responses to see if the course is effective)
  • Videos, readings, and activities throughout

How long does it take?

About 3 to 4 hours if you complete the entire course.

What learning platform does it use?

The course is on Free Canvas. Free Canvas is not attached to any other Canvas account, so create a Free Canvas account different from whatever other Canvas account you may have. It’s freely available to everyone.

Professional Development Certificates

Once you complete the first two modules, you will get a GenderMag Evaluator certificate and, once you complete the second two, you will get a GenderMag Educator certificate. See below for more details

Certificate #1: GenderMag Evaluator Certificate

Certificate that says:
							Certificate of Completion
							This certificate is to certify that
							Your Name Here
							complete the
							GenderMag Evaluator Training
							Module 1: GenderMag Core Concepts
							Module 2: Using GenderMag to Evaluate Technology
							on June 15, 2022
							At the bottom left:
							Margaret Burnett
							Co-Director, GenderMag
							Distinguished Professor
							School of Electrical Engineering
							& Computer Science
							Oregon State University
							The Oregon State University logo is on the bottom, in the middle.
							On the bottom right:
							Anita Sarma
							Co-Director, GenderMag
							School of Electrical Engineering
							& Computer Science
							Oregon State University

The GenderMag Evaluator certificate is for completing...

Module 1: GenderMag Core Components (what GenderMag is, and its main components).

Module 2: Using GenderMag to Evaluate Technology (use GenderMag to identify bias bugs in technology designs and possible fixes).

To get the certificate, you must complete the activities labelled "REQUIRED" and get 100% on both the Module 1 Quiz and the Module 2 Quiz. Multiple attempts are allowed.

Certificate #2: GenderMag Educator Certificate

Certificate that says:
							Certificate of Completion
							This certificate is to certify that
							Your Name Here
							complete the
							GenderMag Educator Training
							Module 3: Incorporating GenderMag into Your Course
							Module 4: Teaching GenderMag Content
							on June 15, 2022
							At the bottom left:
							Margaret Burnett
							Co-Director, GenderMag
							Distinguished Professor
							School of Electrical Engineering
							& Computer Science
							Oregon State University
							The Oregon State University logo is on the bottom, in the middle.
							On the bottom right:
							Anita Sarma
							Co-Director, GenderMag
							School of Electrical Engineering
							& Computer Science
							Oregon State University

The GenderMag Educator certificate is for completing...

Module 3: Incorporating GenderMag into Your Course (incorporate GenderMag teaching and learning materials into a course)

Module 4: Teaching GenderMag (identify common problems that arise when teaching GenderMag, and their mitigations)

To get the certificate, you must complete the activities labelled "REQUIRED" and get 100% on both the Module 3 Quiz and the Module 4 Quiz. Multiple attempts are allowed.




This course was created thanks to the OSU College of Engineering Center for Research in Engineering Education Online (CREEdO), the OSU Ecampus, the National Science Foundation, the Northeastern University Center for Inclusive Computing, and Kean University.

Course Creators

List of authors and contributors (alphabetical): Margaret Burnett (author), Amreeta Chatterjee, Rosalinda Garcia, Samarendra Hedaoo, Catherine Hu, Sabyatha Kumar (author), Lara Letaw (author), Patricia Morreale, Jimena Noa, Doshna Umma Reddy (author), Anita Sarma, Ingrid Scheel, Tianhong Shi (author), Pam VanLonden, Gail Verdi, and Steven Zale.

Questions? Need help? Want to contact us?

If you would like to contact the course creators, please email

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