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Pat's Pronouns

(e.g. he,she,ze)
(e.g. him,her,hir)
(e.g. his,her,hir)
(e.g. his,hers,hirs)
(e.g. himself,herself,hirself)

About Your Pat

Pat likes scanning all hir emails first to get an overall picture before answering any of them.

Pat's Background and Skills

The technologies at Pat's new employer are new to hir. Pat likes math and working with logic. ze considers hirself a numbers person.

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Pat (Patricia/Patrick) GenderMag Persona

  • 28 years old
  • Employed as an Accountant
  • Lives in Cardiff, Wales
  • Pat loves public transportation and knows at least three routes to get to work from home. Some nights Pat exercises or stretches, and sometimes Pat likes to play computer puzzle games like Sudoku. Pat likes scanning all hir emails first to get an overall picture before answering any of them.

    Background and Skills

      The technologies at Pat's new employer are new to hir. Pat likes math and working with logic. ze considers hirself a numbers person.

      Pat works as an accountant and is comfortable with the technologies Pat uses regularly. Pat just moved to this employer 1 week ago, and their software systems are new to . Pat writes and edits spreadsheet formulas for work. During free time, Pat also enjoys working with numbers and logic. Pat especially likes working out puzzles and puzzle games, either on paper or on the computer.

    Motivations and Attitudes

    Motivations: Pat learns new technologies when ze needs to, but ze doesn't spend hir free time exploring technology or exploring obscure functionality of programs and devices thatze uses. ze tends to use methods ze is already familiar and comfortable with to achieve hir goals.
    Computer Self-Efficacy: Pat has medium computer self-efficacy about doing unfamiliar computing tasks. If problems arise with hir technology, ze will keep on trying to figure out how to achieve what ze has set out to do for quite awhile; ze doesn't give up right away when computers or technology present a challenge to hir.
    Attitude toward Risk: Pat is busy and so ze rarely has spare time. So Pat is risk averse and worries that ze will spend time on them and not get any benefits from doing so. Ze prefers to perform tasks using familiar features, because they're more predictable about what ze will get from them and how much time they'll take.

    Attitude to Technology

    Information Processing Style: Pat leans towards a comprehensive information processing style when ze needs to gather information to problem-solve. So, instead of acting upon the first option that seems promising, ze first gathers information comprehensively to try to form a complete understanding of the problem before trying to solve it.Thus, hir style is "burst-y"; first ze reads a lot, then ze acts on it in a batch of activity.
    Learning: by Process vs. by Tinkering: When Pat sees a need to learn new technology, ze does so by trying out new features or commands to see what they do and to understand how the software works. When ze does this, ze does so purposefully; that is, ze reflects on each bit of feedback ze gets along the way to understand how the feature might benefit hir. Eventually, if ze doesn't think it will get hir closer to what ze wants to achieve, ze will revert back to ways that ze already knows will work.

    1Pat represents users with motivations/attitudes and information/learning styles similar to theirs. For more information, see